
Why Drupal Developers Make x10 More than WordPress Developers

Ever wondered why people are happy to pay twice, five times and even ten times more for the same product? It’s a known fact that Drupal sites are about ten times more expensive than WordPress sites. So, even if it takes 5 times longer to build it with Drupal, Drupal developers get to bank a lot more in the end. Let’s see why this happens and how you can get a piece of the action.
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DrupalCon 2015 Viedeň

This weakend, from Friday 11-27 until Saturday 11-28, we were on DrupalCon in Vienna. It`s purpouse is to share knowledge an create friendships in Drupal community worldwide. In course of two days of lectures we learned lot interesting. This year the main theme was new version of Drupal, in fact the eighth, whitch stabil vesrion got currently official release and is prepared for using. This brings in many changes and adjustments and as far as I can judge all are for better. Meny of modules created for Drupal 7 are not yet prepared for new version, but many functions are implemented in core. I`m already looking forward to build new sites in this system. For me personaly most useful were lectures about multilingual support in new system - in original Drupal 77 was always pain to create multilingual site. Besidees native support of multilinguality Drupal 8 simplyfies tranlation updates and enables to "translate" into english - changing oroginal names and desriptions. We returned to the Bratislava at suterdays evening full of materials to contemplate.
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Working with ads

Do you sometimes want to write somting explosive, new, surprising and funny, but coudnt`t find any inspiration? I was convinced, that after sad weeken in middle of November with terrorist attacks in Paris, this one will be full of optimism, news and inovations. Probably somewhere it was, but it was well hidden.
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Drupal 8 is released

Thursday 19.11.2015 was memorable for many reasons. Besides birthsday of father of Drupa - Dries Buytaert, this day was appointed for release of new version of Drupal - version 8.
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Unbelievable how much work it takes to create own webpage

It`s unbelievable how much work it takes to create own webpage. It`s like climbing high mountain. We spent months working on webs for our clients with little time left for our own web.
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With finished work we were greatly satisfied.

Roman Gabura, GreenProduction

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