Working with ads

Max Cebecauer's picture

Max Cebecauer

PPC, online marketing

Chemik, polygraf. Dnes sa venuje interaktívnej polygrafii na internete, reklame na internete a všetkým možným druhom analýz. 

Do you sometimes want to write somting explosive, new, surprising and funny, but coudnt`t find any inspiration? I was convinced, that after sad weeken in middle of November with terrorist attacks in Paris, this one will be full of optimism, news and inovations. Probably somewhere it was, but it was well hidden.

Among news in internet advertisement currently my attention caught option to address our potentional clients via instagram. Do you have account? How long alredy? Do you publish something elese then food, which is awesoma or horrible?

I`m on Instagram since it didn`t belonged to Zukerberg`s empire named Facebook. I wasn`t impressed by square images good only for composition of bathroom tiles. It was mandatory ride for my friends abroad who judged me for not posting pictures of food. I still don`t have any food images of food on Instagram (I`m puttig them only on Foursquare), but I`m happy to see more and more of my friends to enter this area. And many of them, if not all, are better at it than me. I`m enjoying ther contributions full of wit an sense for detail.

I think there is above-critical number of people using Instagram on Slovakia to offer this pleasant way to our future clients. There is many products and services I can see successfuly presenting themselves here. Advertisement can be nice and polite in enviroment of photos and your friends.


What I came with as basic idea, HalfPixel transformed into complete web.

Richard Rybnicek,

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