Drupal 8 is released

matus.fekete's picture


Backend Developer

Thursday 19.11.2015 was memorable for many reasons. Besides birthsday of father of Drupa - Dries Buytaert (maybe even therefor), this day was appointed for release of new version of Drupal - version 8. Developement from version 7 took almost 5 years and 3 thousand contributors. Great thanks to everyone.

It fos anxiously awaited mont and therefor Slovenská Drupal Asociácia organized, with thousands of simmilar groups worldwide, nice bithday party.

Thero were no shortage of birthsday cake, nor wise speeches from slovak drupal matuzalems.

Jojo Tóth mention why a what for did we wait that long and Miro Michalička that is was woth it. Vilo Kaniansky brought cake and party coul began.


The king`s (DRUPAL7) not yet dead, LONG LIVE THE KING.


What I came with as basic idea, HalfPixel transformed into complete web.

Richard Rybnicek, pozdravdoneba.sk

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