
Filter search results by current language

Paste this code into your custom module and your results of simple core search will be filtered by current language.


Theming a Specific CCK Field in Drupal

The display of CCK fields is handled by the file content-field.tpl.php which is in the foldersites/all/modules/cck/theme. To override the display of a specific CCK field, the system will look for the format content-field-field_name.tpl.php in your theme directory.

Print block in node

If you want to print block in node (node.tpl.php) or page template, you can use following functions:


              $block = module_invoke('views', 'block', 'view', 'related_content-block_1');
               print '<h3>'.$block['subject'].'</h3>';  // block title
               print $block['content'];  // block - view content


if you need to apply some arguments to show view you can use this code:



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